JMP vs Minitab: Which is the best statistics Software

There are a lot of statistical programs worldwide in this high-speed world. For newcomers, choosing one of the best statistics industries in the future is challenging. Most students face a challenge when selecting JMP and Minitab.


Since the statistics as JMP and Minitab are the closest competitors to trade statistics, we must understand the exact difference between JMP and Minitab.


In this blog, we want to make a complete comparison with the two opponents around us. Compare With JMP and Minitab.

Comparison between JMP vs Minitab


JMP Definition

JMP is one of the best and most popular computer applications for statistical analysis. This product comes from the SASS Institute, which was launched in 1989.


The primary purpose of installing JMP is to use the graphical user interface proposed by Macintosh at that time. It means that the original version of The JMP is only for Macintosh.

Minitab Definition

The primary development of Minitab data analysis program Minitab is aimed at six programmers with a wide range of features for Sigo, Minitab users.


It helps to insert statistics efficiently. Work with current trends, data, signs, etc. These allow you to answer current issues.

This statistical program is used for almost all working hours, small, medium, or large sizes. 

Learning Curve

R learning Curve

Comparing Minitab to JMP is a challenge after using a lot of time to learn with JMP, which is stronger than Minitab.

Almost all of the Minitab tasks are available in JMP, but there is no need for more training than the Complete JMP Minitab, you can learn the JMP-Official. After training, you can get an official certificate comparing it to Excel, JMP, and another interface.

Minitab Learning Curve

The Minitab interface is similar to MS Excel; This means that if you are an MS Excel user, it will be easier to use. I use settings to help you choose the correct map. However, it is not very strong than the JMP Minitab and provides government training support. You can train from a specific place.


JMP Speed

JMP speed is faster than Minitab; You can do the same Minitab function in JMP as soon as possible.

Minitab Speed

Minitab is not a quick JMP. It takes too long to do something that can happen quickly.


JMP cost

JMP is very expensive. He has two in favor of JMP, and another JMP Pro JMP spends $7 1.785 per year. On the other hand, JMP Pro costs about $14900 a year.

Minitab Cost

Minitab cheap JMP; Finally, the new user is currently available for $5 1,595 and $895.


JMP support

JMP provides excellent customer support. In addition to helping secure users in user forums. In this section, you can share your questions and questions with other JMP users.

There is a knowledge base where you can search for multiple documents to view the installation and search for instructions for use. Finally, JMP provides users with excellent technical support.


Minitab Support

Minitab provides excellent support for new users. It offers high-quality support for your trainers to help you find answers to questions and problem-solving tips.

Minitab Express includes documents, seminars, implementation goals, blogs, and videos. It means Minitab provides online support for the last users to 360 degrees.


Now you can clear your question about the JMP comparison with Minitab. No doubt, Minitab is a beautiful application. It's also more accurate for new ones, but when we talk about the show, there's no progress in this match.

Minitab JMP is very expensive. The study is also tactical, but the best thing is that JMP is very soon over and can do the same thing in minutes as Minitab, I think we compare Minitab to JMP is the perfect winner.

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